Mananging Suppliers

Managing suppliers - we can help you

Whether you need help with a first time / one time buy from a new vendor for a flat dollar amount fee, or you need us to manage a portion of your Supplier Community on an ongoing basis for a small percentage of the invoice value, we have the resources and business process to support the cause.

The Scenarios

You need to make a rush purchase from a vendor with whom you have never dealt. It could be for a penny part or a 'class A' item, from anywhere on the globe. It takes you days to get a new vendor entity pushed through channels and set up in your system so you can issue a PO - by which time you are expected to have the part on your dock.
You have a highly fragmented vendor base, and just too many transactions and suppliers to manage given the resources at your disposal. Things are slipping through the cracks. Another body in your department is not an option.

Our Customers have been faced with these scenarios and we have answered the call with our Fee-Based Procurement Services. Nimble response and flawless execution at a reasonable cost.

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